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Monastic robe.

Everyday attire, distinguishing the ministers of the Church from laymen and testifying to their rank and title, once originated from the garments used in the world, and quickly, already in ancient times, acquired special features, so that the clergy and monastics began to stand out from the secular environment in appearance. This was deeply consistent with the concept of the Church as a kingdom not of this world, which, although it goes through its pilgrimage and service in the world, is nevertheless deeply different from it by its nature. In the minds of the ancients, sacred rank or monastic title obliged those who bear them to be always and everywhere what they are before God and the Church.


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At the Church Atelier Evfimiy you can make church embellishments, buy a surplice, a black hood, sew a walnut, a Russian cassock and cassocks, sew a chemnic embellishment, cassock. Kiev, Ukraine, e-mail:, tel: +380660334822 Oleksandra.

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