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Голубой,синий цвета

Это – цвет неба, он соответствует представлению о Божией Матери, вместившей Небожителя в Своей Пречистой утробе. Используется для праздников Пресвятой Богородицы, а также в дни памяти святых дев и девственников, как символ особой чистоты и непорочности.

Фиолетовый цвет

Принят в дни памяти Креста Господня. В нем соединены красный – цвет Крови Христовой и Воскресения, и синий, указующий, что Крест открыл нам дорогу в небо. Также принят к богослужению  в день Усекновения главы Иоанна Предтечи и в воскресные дни Великого поста.

vestments sew to order Kyiv

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vestments sew to order Kyiv

The Holy Church calls the Holy Mother of God the vessel of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit descended upon her and she became the Mother of the Savior. The Holy Mother of God was distinguished by a special purity of soul from childhood. Therefore, the color of the Mother of God became light blue. We see clergy in light blue vestments on holidays:

Nativity of the Mother of God
On the day of Her Entry into the Temple
On the day of the Meeting of the Lord
On the day of Her Assumption
On the days of the glorification of the icons of the Mother of God


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vestments sew to order Kyiv

The fusion of yellow and blue. It is adopted on the days of the saints, ascetics and fools for Christ, and testifies to the fact that their monastic feat - taming the sinful beginning, does not kill human nature, but at the same time renews the person himself, unites him with Christ (yellow color) and leads him to eternal life, ascending to heaven (blue),
According to ancient tradition, they serve in green colors of all shades on Palm Sunday, on the day of the Holy Trinity and on Monday of the Holy Spirit, for everything that has life by the will of the Father and through the Son is animated by the Holy Spirit.

Голубой цвет

Зелёный цвет

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At the Church Atelier Evfimiy you can make church embellishments, buy a surplice, a black hood, sew a walnut, a Russian cassock and cassocks, sew a chemnic embellishment, cassock. Kiev, Ukraine, e-mail:, tel: +380660334822 Oleksandra.

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