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Schema-monastic vestments.

The Great Schema follows the Lesser Schema. It is also called the Great Angelic Schema. Tonsure into the Great Angelic Schema signifies complete alienation from the world for the sake of union with Christ. The rite of tonsure into the Great Schema resembles the rite of tonsure into the Lesser Schema, since the monk essentially pronounces the same vows. At the same time, tonsure into the Great Schema signifies a stricter fulfillment of them. During tonsure, the monk is given a new name. Instead of a klobuk, he puts on a koukul in the form of a pointed hood covering the head and shoulders, decorated with five crosses. An analav is placed on the monk - a quadrangular cloth similar to a paraman with cords sewn on at the corners, embracing the shoulders of the schemamonk and decorated with crosses, signifying the acceptance of the cross in following Christ. The vestments of the schemamonk are a cassock, an analav, a koukul, a mantle, prayer beads, and sandals.


Cassock made to order Kyiv, schema embroidered in the sewing workshop of Euthymius.
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